Jake Stratton-Kent

is a goetic magician and author.

Jake Stratton-Kent has been a goetic magician since 1972, making more than forty years of continuous goetic practice.

His practical work integrates the magical papyri and Italo-French grimoires, in particular the Grimorium Verum. Both ritual composition and use of traditional sources feature strongly, rather than more conventional 'by the book' approaches.

His interest in magic spans the ancient, medieval, renaissance, and modern periods as well as stretching from the West to the Middle East and crucially, the New World. – He is publishing regular updates on his current research on his Patreon page.

Some of his most well known titles are:

The True Grimoire, Encyclopædia Goetica Vol.1, London: Scarlet Imprint, 2009

Geosophia: The Argo of Magic, Encyclopædia Goetica Vol.2, 2 volumes, London: Scarlet Imprint, 2010

The Testament of Cyprian the Mage, Encyclopædia Goetica Vol.3, 2 volumes, London: Scarlet Imprint, 2014

Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance of Diverse Spirit Catalogues, West Yorkshire: Hadean Press, 2016

The Sworn and Secret Grimoire, Night School: Volume I, West Yorkshire: Hadean Press, 2021